M Bio Technology
A world leader in mycoplasma infectious diseases
We are a research and development company working to innovate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mycoplasma infections

Challenge of mycoplasma infection
We are an R&D company that comprehensively fights mycoplasma infectious disease (MID)
The mechanical and physiological properties of mycoplasma have made its detection challenging.
Recent studies have shown that mycoplasma is not merely a "cold", but is also directly linked to a variety of conditions previously thought to be unrelated, such as rheumatism, heart disease, and neurological disease.
Our patented technology is able to identify, analyze and synthesize the antigen present on the surface membrane of mycoplasma.
We are developing "MID Prism", with the aim to better monitor the disease. We aim to further develop this platform for vaccine development and disease treatment.
Our Key Strategy
Our key strategy is to bring our technical value built on over 30 years of R&D to the business stage. We aim to benefit society by providing "diagnosis", "therapeutics" and "preventive" solutions to MID.
We are not just a manufacturer of mycoplasma infection diagnostics. As a research and development company, we continually disseminate knowledge and intellectual property globally since our establishment in 2005. We are solution driven and have cultivated a rich environment of collaborations with researchers, licensing firms and pharmaceutical companies to address unmet medical needs.
In order to deliver our technology and knowledge to the world, we are actively engaging in discussions to further develop joint ventures and to license out our technology.

The unique "MID Prism" measurement technology enables the detection of mycoplasma even in disease that could not be detected by conventional methods.

A specific monoclonal antibody reaction can be induced from the MID vaccine. This can suppress the growth of mycolasma bacteria.

A comprehensive mycoplasma infection prevention platform consisting of preventive vaccines, early diagnosis and pre-illness medical care

What is mycoplasma infection?
Mycoplasma infections are often regarded as a simple "cold". However, its prognosis includes bronchitis and pneumonia, and in some cases even advanced vasculitis and neuritis.
Mycoplasma infections are characterized by prolonged symptoms and can present as a chronic or acute condition. The symptoms are difficult to distinguish from chronic inflammatory diseases and autoimmune diseases.
The mycoplasma lipid antigen antibody test can help guide diagnosis treatments.

Development pipeline
We are looking for partners to apply to mycoplasma infections and various diseases that are considered to be correlated.
Mass production study of synthetic antigen
Mass production development of ELISA diagnostic system
Completed medium-scale mass production with partner companies in the European region. Looking for business partners to perform ELISA production.

Vaccine production and development by liposome formation
Completed medium-scale mass production with partner companies in the European region. Looking for procurement to carry out further scale-up in the future.

Correlation confirmation with related diseases and vaccine development / approval process
New Corona Sequelae (Long-COVID)
Accessing global partners and public funding programs

CIDP (Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy)
Participating in the open call for clinical trial programs in Japan

GBS (Guillain-Barré Syndrome)
Participating in the open call for clinical trial programs in Japan

Pipeline Management
M Bio Technology is looking for global partners for licensing and commercial development
Synthesis of the glycolipid antigen
Mass production of ELISA system
Prototype development with an European production partner.

Vaccine development with producing liposome
Prototype development with an European production partner.

Vaccine development (MID vaccine development to evaluate the correlation)
Accessing global partners and public funding programs

CIDP (Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy)
Participating in the open call for clinical trial programs in Japan

GBS (Guillain-Barré Syndrome)
Participating in the open call for clinical trial programs in Japan

MS (Maltiple Sclerosis)
Looking for global partners

IPF (Idiopathic pneumonal fibrosis) IP (Interstitial pneumonia)
Looking for global partners

Rheumatoid arthritis
Looking for global partners

IgA nephropathy
Looking for global partners

Kawasaki disease
Looking for global partners

Dementia (Parkinson Disease)
Looking for global partners

Bringing our achievements to the world
M Bio Technology promotes active information dissemination, alliances, collaboration, and licensing in order to deliver our research and development across the globe, including to developing countries.

Global Consortium
We take initiatives aiming to develop an international consensus for Mycoplasma Infections Diseases
We are the administrator of the LinkedIn virtual consortium. We will collect opinions of pharmaceutical companies, researchers, open innovation managers, doctors, and patients who support this concept at a global scale.

Super City concept
Supporting the creation of MID supporting systems in each country / region
The control of infectious diseases is in society’s interest and should be managed at a macro scale. The Super City concept will build on the MID Prism concept to establish an infectious disease control network in each country and region.
news, presentation information at academic conferences
Contact Us
Chiba University Inohana Innovation Plaza # 206
1-8-15 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi
260-0856 Japan
+81 (0) 90 8486 5727